Mauritius | Oasis Car Rental
+230 5738 7018 | +230 5256 2807

Terms & Conditions – Oasis Car Rental

Article 1: Condition of the car

The car is delivered in good running order and in a clean condition. The vehicle shall be returned in the same condition of neatness and same fuel level, otherwise an agreed amount will be deducted from the deposit. Oasis Car Rental Co Ltd reserves the right to check & verify the car at any time and anywhere.

Article 2: Use of the car

Under penalty of cancellation of the insurance policy, the renter binds himself not to allow the car to be driven by any other person than himself or those approved by Oasis Car Rental Co Ltd and whom he answers for.

Article 3: Maintenance and repairs

Normal wear and tear is Oasis Car Rental Co Ltd responsibility. Any repair arising from abnormal wear and tear, or due to lack of care of the renter shall be chargeable to him and carried out by Oasis Car Rental Co Ltd.

Article 4: Hiring, Deposit and extension

The rental fees as well as the deposit amount are payable in advance. In no case the deposit shall be used for a prolongation of hiring

Article 5: Repatriation of the car

The renter must get in touch with Oasis Car Rental Co Ltd in case of breakdown or accident. The renter has no right to repair the vehicle in a garage or by himself and prohibits himself from abandoning the vehicle.

Article 6: Responsibility

The renter remains solely liable for fines, contraventions and other proceedings against him.

Article 7: Cyclone

Upon the issue of cyclone warning class 3, the vehicle shall not circulate, otherwise the renter shall be responsible for any damage.

Article 8: Insurance

Cars are covered by a fully comprehensive policy in excess of Rs 25,000 In the unlikely event of an accident, the renter is responsible for the first Rs 25,000
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